Vaginal Rejuvenation
The Importance Of Cortisol And DHEA
Although the media most commonly talks about menopause and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy for estrogen and progesterone, abnormalities with your cortisol and DHEA levels can occur if you have too much stress in your life. These imbalances are not often assessed in traditional medicine, but they can cause menopausal-type symptoms and significantly affect your overall well-being and quality of life.
What Is Cortisol?
Cortisol is often referred to as the “stress hormone.” It is made by your adrenal glands, which are small triangular-shaped organs that sit on top of your kidneys. Cortisol helps your body:
· Respond to stress
· Maintain normal blood sugar levels
· Maintain normal blood pressure
· Regulate your metabolism
· Reduce inflammation
· Enhance immunity
Why Does Cortisol Become Imbalanced?
Normally, your cortisol levels are highest in the morning to help you get up and start your day then slowly fall throughout the day as you unwind and prepare for bed. Cortisol will have small spikes throughout the day if you experience a stressful event (like hearing a loud noise that startles you, when sick or injured, or after a fight), but then your body will use that cortisol to adapt to the stressful event and your cortisol levels quickly decrease back to baseline.
However, in a society where women are constantly bombarded with stress from taking care of their families, fast-paced jobs, high cost of living, and negative social media comments on their phones, many women never have time to calm down. Their cortisol levels are constantly running high, which wreaks havoc on their bodies. Worse, sometimes cortisol levels are so high for so long that your adrenal glands stop functioning properly and you develop “adrenal fatigue.” This means you can no longer mount a cortisol response to stress and, instead, you become tired, rundown, easily sick, and, in some cases, clinically depressed.
Symptoms of High Cortisol Levels
· Weight gain, especially around the abdomen
· Round, puffy face
· Feeling of being tense and anxious
· Trouble falling asleep
· Waking up around 2-3 AM and not being able to fall back asleep
· Slow wound healing
· Acne
· Tight, but weak muscles
· High blood pressure
· High blood sugar
How Do I Get Tested For A Cortisol Imbalance?
If you suspect you have a cortisol imbalance, the first step is to schedule a visit with one of our providers at Murrieta Health & Aesthetics to discuss your concerns. Our providers will take your medical history and perform a physical exam. Next, our providers will order blood work to check your hormone levels and assess you for hormone imbalances. They will also order you a 4-point saliva test to evaluate your cortisol levels throughout the day.
After all your tests are complete, you will be scheduled for a follow-up visit to review all the results. You will be educated on your final diagnosis and given a personalized treatment plan by one of our providers.
I Was Diagnosed With A Cortisol Imbalance – How Do I Treat It?
To naturally treat your cortisol, you must maintain a normal body weight and reduce your body’s inflammation, stress, and insulin levels. This means:
· Drink water with sea salt to replace electrolytes
· Eat regular meals that are high in protein and fat.
· Stop eating breads, pasta, rice, dessert, juice, and fruits high in sugar like grapes, bananas, oranges, and melons.
· Eat only complex carbs with high amounts of fiber like flax seeds, chia seeds, carrots, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and beans.
· Minimize lactose (milk, cheese, and yogurt that isn’t plain).
· Minimize processed foods – if it comes in a box it is NOT good for you.
· Do not eat within 2-3 hours of sleep to make sure your food is fully digested.
· Perform gentle exercise to not over stress our body. We recommend 150 minutes (2 ½ hours) a week by walking for 10 minutes after every meal.
· Get a full 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
· Take time every morning and night to destress through meditation, coloring, reading a book, sitting outside and unplugging from your phone, spending time with those you love, or doing something you enjoy that does not involve eating, smoking, or drinking alcohol (as these habits have other long-term health consequences).
Our providers at Murrieta Health & Aesthetics will also prescribe you high-quality supplements to help rebalance your hormones and replace the minerals your adrenal glands need to function properly. This may include phosphatidyl serine, L-theanine, or adaptogens like Ashwagandha, Maca Root, Holy Basil, and/or Rhodiola if your cortisol levels are determined to be constantly elevated or fluctuate greatly throughout the day. If you are diagnosed with adrenal fatigue, our providers will prescribe you a medical-grade adrenal glandular supplement and licorice root to temporarily replace your natural cortisol production while your adrenal glands heal. To start healing your adrenal glands, call (951) 600-7066 and schedule your initial hormone consult today.
Order Supplements through Fullscript:
What is DHEA?
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a precursor to both estrogen and testosterone. It also balances out your cortisol levels when they spike. DHEA is made by your adrenal glands, which are small triangular-shaped organs that sit on top of your kidneys. DHEA helps your body:
· Respond to stress
· Create estrogen and testosterone (click here for more information on these hormones) hyperlink the () to the BHRT page
· Maintain normal blood sugar levels
· Maintain normal blood pressure
· Regulate your metabolism
· Reduce inflammation
· Enhance immunity
· Increases cognitive function and memory
· Improves mood
What Are The Symptoms Of Low DHEA?
· Fatigue
· Poor memory and concentration
· Low libido
· Weight gain, especially around the abdomen
· Decreased muscle mass and weakness
· Depression or flat affect
· Decreased immunity
· Dry skin and eyes
· Slow wound healing
· High blood sugar
Why Do DHEA Levels Decline?
DHEA levels naturally peak when a woman is in her 20s and decline with age. However, DHEA levels are also significantly impacted by stress and nutrition.
How is DHEA Replaced?
DHEA supplements are available over the counter, but the quality of these supplements is unknown. Therefore, we recommend DHEA only be taken under medical supervision. At Murrieta Health & Aesthetics, our providers prescribe only medical-grade forms of DHEA, meaning they are high quality, powerful, and contain minimal fillers. DHEA can be replaced as an oral capsule or a topical cream.
Prior to prescribing you DHEA, our providers will order bloodwork to check your DHEA and other hormone levels. They may also recommend 4-point cortisol testing through saliva. You will also be required to undergo intermittent bloodwork to monitor your DHEA levels after starting a replacement therapy to confirm your levels are maintained in a normal range.
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25467 Medical Center Drive,Suite 201,
Murrieta, CA 92562
Monday - Tuesday: 8AM - 6PM
Wednesday - Thursday: 8AM - 5PM
Friday - Sunday: Closed

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